

Here are some of the projects I've worked on! Take a look:

Escape Room


A game where the player goes thorough a series of rooms finding clues to unlock the doors. Each clue is disguised as a riddle, and contributes the player's final score.

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Walk in the Park

Java Swing

An adventure game where players travel through their neighborhood trying to avoid infected people, and learn more about how their neighborhood is being affected.

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Visual Sorting


A learning aid program with a Visual representation of Selection sort through an animation, with detailed explanations about the algorithm.

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Java, HSA-Console

A holiday spinoff of the classic game hangman, comprised of two levels of differing difficulty levels. A fun casual puzzle game.

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Recycle Cam

React Js, Microsoft Azure Custom Vision, Google Maps API

A Web recycling app that takes a picture of designated trash and identifies it as recycling, trash, compost, or e-waste. It is equiped with a map function that identifies your local e-waste recycling system.

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Android Studio, Firebase Realtime Database, Figma

A digital activism platform where activists are able to access a list of tasks they can complete to help contribute to whatever movements they want to contribute to, as well as get up to date information regarding their movement.

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To see more, visit my github page here